Sunday, April 26, 2009

Robin & Dana Visit

This weekend Kristina, Ben, and Luke played host to Aunt Robin and her beau Dana. Robin and Dana had read previously on the blog of Grandpa SuperDave's exploits while he was visiting, and were very apprehensive about living up to his standard of helpfulness.

Considering they only had about a day and a half here, they did very well. They went shopping for and cooked and cleaned up after a fabulous dinner of eggplant and chicken parmigiana. They helped Ben with his yardwork by pruning shrubs and trees. They learned how to change diapers and put that skill to use. They baked muffins. And, perhaps most appreciated, they watched Little Luke on Sunday morning to allow Ben and Kristina an opportunity to go out to breakfast.

It was really good having them down, not just for the helpfulness, but the company as well. We're glad that Luke was able to meet them.


  1. Robin HarrisonApril 26, 2009

    It was so much fun! Thanks for having us. Looking forward to some more quality time with the little HBBH next month :).

  2. Oh, the food looks yummy - and how nice that you got a brunch out!

  3. I don't think I have ever seen Robin that close to a rake before!

  4. Robin HarrisonApril 29, 2009

    Very funny, "anonymous".

  5. Truth be told Robin's enthusiasm about the yard work increased several fold once the camera came out...
