Saturday, May 9, 2009

Last Night

Last night, on the eve of his one month birthday, young Luke David Harrison went to bed at about 11pm. It was Kristina's night to handle the middle of the night feedings/soothings/diaper changings. So at about 7am Ben woke up and turned to Kristina and asked, "How many times last night? Once?" For once had been the pattern recently, something we were well pleased about. Kristina however shook her head. Ben groaned and said, "Twice? Three times?" Again Kristina shook her head. It then dawned on Ben that little Luke slept all the way through the night, for the very first time.

By the way, for those keeping score at home, Little Luke isn't quite as little anymore. He matches up quite well with the 24 inch long caterpillar toy in length, and his father weighs 10.4 more pounds when he's carrying Luke, than he does when he's not.


  1. This is amazing! What a Mother's Day present. Eight Hours - wahoo! Amazing Baby!!

  2. Congratulations! That indeed was a nice Mother's Day surprise. Hope to see you guys soon!.

  3. Congratulations on the full night sleep! Too bad his father wasn't quite that good!
