Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday was Moving Day

"Hello! It's time to go home and I don't have any clothes on!"

"No, not this outfit! Anything but this outfit!"

"Well, ok, I guess it's not so bad..."

"Ok, Dad, I'm ready to go"

"Wow I've never been outside before!"

"At least we have auto-bingo in this car..."

"Home seems like it will be a pretty nice place."

Grey to Ben & Kristina: "What in the world did you bring home?"


  1. Congratulations Kristina and Ben - he is gorgeous! God bless - Betty HOyer

  2. I LOVE the coming home outfit. Oh, those little nightgowns. Just love them!

  3. Kailey and Madison told everyone about Baby Luke at preschool this morning, they are so excited! I love the picture of Grey looking at the baby, it's hilarious.
