Sunday, April 26, 2009

Robin & Dana Visit

This weekend Kristina, Ben, and Luke played host to Aunt Robin and her beau Dana. Robin and Dana had read previously on the blog of Grandpa SuperDave's exploits while he was visiting, and were very apprehensive about living up to his standard of helpfulness.

Considering they only had about a day and a half here, they did very well. They went shopping for and cooked and cleaned up after a fabulous dinner of eggplant and chicken parmigiana. They helped Ben with his yardwork by pruning shrubs and trees. They learned how to change diapers and put that skill to use. They baked muffins. And, perhaps most appreciated, they watched Little Luke on Sunday morning to allow Ben and Kristina an opportunity to go out to breakfast.

It was really good having them down, not just for the helpfulness, but the company as well. We're glad that Luke was able to meet them.

This is why they call him HBBH

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mommy emerges...

Hello all. Up til now, all postings had been made by Daddy (Ben) but now that I have made it more than 2 weeks as a new Mom, I feel safe to actually post some thoughts. (Before this, I worried I might end up sounding too tired, crazy, lackadaisical, emotional, resentful, etc.) I could use this moment to give you my many thoughts on the "joys" of breastfeeding, but I will leave that for another time.

As you have noticed, we haven't posted for a while, which means we are attempting to settle into "normal everyday life" but of course this means that nothing is normal at all! Little Luke is of course the center of everyone's life at the moment but that is as it should be. Besides, he deserves it, he is quite the Handsome BBH (HBBH as some would call him).

We got clearance from the doctor to "not wake the sleeping baby" at night (thank you!) so he usually gives us 4-6 hrs of rest time at once during the night and I will take this as a sign that he is one of the best babies ever. Our days mostly consist of feeding, sleeping, pooping and walks around the neightborhood. We like to live it up!

Some pictures for you to coo at -

The little snugglesaurus

Luke with Mommy (unfortunately, you can still tell that she DID have a baby 2 weeks ago...)

Life from Little Luke's eyes...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Making a name for ourselves at the Doctor's Office

The trio went on Friday to the doctor's office for a weight check. Young Luke had some breakfast before we left (really it was second breakfast by then) and seemed to be in good spirits on the trip there. We signed in and were just waiting in the waiting room, when Ben and Kristina heard a sound that can only be described as an explosion coming from Young Luke's pants. Ben sighed and picked up Luke to head to the mens room together, when a nurse came out and called, "Luke!". So we trodded off to the consultation room instead, put him on the table and unwrapped his blanket to inspect the damage.

It was significant. For the first time in his young life, the diaper failed to keep everything contained, and excrement was on his outfit, his socks, and his blanket. Factor in his kicking legs while Ben was cleaning him up, and the mess got even messier. Naturally, just as he was getting clean, the waterworks started up causing additional mess and delays.

The nurse took it in stride, though we could tell even she was impressed with the display. When the question came of "How many BM's has he been having daily?" she mentioned that this one counted as two.

The positive that came from the experience is that she was able tell us that the stool was "good in color". The negative of course is that the estimated 6-8 oz of excrement caused Luke to be summoned back for another weight check, along with his comprehensive physical, on Monday. Hopefully that visit will be a little less eventful.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Before Grandpa Left...

He planted Luke a rhododendron; he helped Ben pick up a buffet/hutch for the kitchen; he built a frame to keep Luke's changing pad securely on the countertop, such that even a squirming baby won't cause it to fall off; he helped Ben & Kristina avoid neighborhood prosecution by bleaching away the mold from their fence; he provided extra hands for baby holding, diaper changing, dish-washing, cat-feeding, laundry-doing; and most of all he provided support, encouragement, and love. Thank you!!

Mr. H

was very sad that Grandpa went home today.


Easter had a special meaning for BBH and his family as it was the first full day at home. Here's a picture of him in his Easter outfit (thanks to Betty Hoyer!). Later on in the day, he had a chance to think about the significance of the holiday.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday was Moving Day

"Hello! It's time to go home and I don't have any clothes on!"

"No, not this outfit! Anything but this outfit!"

"Well, ok, I guess it's not so bad..."

"Ok, Dad, I'm ready to go"

"Wow I've never been outside before!"

"At least we have auto-bingo in this car..."

"Home seems like it will be a pretty nice place."

Grey to Ben & Kristina: "What in the world did you bring home?"

Friday, April 10, 2009


Look at that little smile!

Day 2

Well yesterday was the biggest day of young Luke's life, but today was clearly the second biggest. To think his parents had wondered what they would do all day stuck here in the hospital (go home tomorrow afternoon, roughly 48 hours after birth). There were checkups and vaccines and procedures and professional photography and things that would likely fall under the TMI category. Luke has understandably been pooped much of the day.

Speaking of poop, Ben got to change his son's diaper today for the first time, and it was an experience he won't soon forget. The nurse talked last night about how babies are similar to adults in that when they wake up one of the first things they do is urinate. So while many first-time parents immediately take off the diaper to check it when baby is waking, it is often better to stimulate the baby by rubbing arms/chest/whatever a bit and waiting for him to wake up and then pee. Then the diaper can be changed. So, armed with this information, when Luke started waking this morning Ben started rubbing him a bit before checking that diaper. Sure enough, soon Ben heard Luke go #2. So, being the good father, he took off the diaper and started wiping up the mess. Then, with the diaper off, came the #1, all over his shirt, Ben's hands, the blankets, everything. Right at that precise moment the nurses came in wanting to take Luke to his pediatrician check-up. Oh, well.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


4:59 pm, 8 lbs 9 oz, 21 inches, Kristina was a champion. Here are some photos. Whew! Long day.


So as Ben writes this, it's about noon here in Atlanta, and Kristina is trying to follow nurse's orders to rest. The water broke this morning at 5am. Ben was the picture of calm after Kristina tapped him on the shoulder and gave him the news. They fed the cats, gathered the bags and the last few grab-and-go items, and came to the hospital. At first labor wasn't so bad and they were able to play some Uno. However, the contractions subsequently got more intense and more frequent and the Uno had to be discontinued. Much better now that the epidural is in though. The last inspection revealed 5cm dilation, up from 1cm when we first came in.

Both our nurse and our obstetrician are named Winnifred. What are the odds?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

BBH needs a name...

There has been much speculation and anticipation regarding BBH's chosen name. Although Ben and Kristina have narrowed it down to 2 very suitable contenders, they are still very hush hush about it because Ben hates to think of the reaction of others. But, as time grows closer, Kristina is getting restless and REALLY wants to share.

So, for those keeping track (or playing along), here is a little hint about one of the names. If BBH is blessed enough to be born on Easter, we will choose the Biblical name over the other contender. So, get out those Bibles and start the guessing game! Ben and Kristina will remain tight-lipped but at least you can have some fun.

As an added bonus tid-bit about BBH's name - his chosen middle name can also be found in the Bible and his last name can be found many times in history books. Look under 'past presidents'...

Here is the most up-to-date photo of Mom and the babe...40 weeks and 1 day.

BBH's New Home

What BBH doesn't realize is that there's a pretty nice home waiting for him on the outside. This one wasn't quite as much Kristina's doing, though she supplied much of the vision. Ben and Grandpa SuperDave were in charge of executing that vision. TJ also helped, though it should be noted he put nearly as much paint on the carpet as he did on the wall. New friends are waiting for him in the room, including Sammy the Monkey and Fred the Elephant from Ben's youth. As well as the rocking chair from Kristina's youth.

He's also got a very spiffy new toy box that his Dad made him, with lots of room for new toys!

BBH's Current Home

Kristina has made a very nice home these past nine months for BBH. As a fetus, he's been able to do lots of things that would make other babies jealous. He went to Norway, and got to ride in planes, trains, boats and automobiles while he was there. He went to Walt Disney World. He was the star of the show at two different showers. He's had plenty of ice cream to eat. He's had cats that will snuggle up against him and help Kristina keep him warm. He got an early start as a young Blue Devil by going to the ACC tournament three days straight and cheering Duke to the title!

It is really no wonder that he's now apparently decided that home is too good to pass up and he's tardy leaving it.