Monday, January 31, 2011

January Extremes

Earlier in January, Atlanta was shut down for nearly a week after a snow/ice storm, but warmed up to 70 degrees this past weekend.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Belated Christmas Post

We haven't completely forgotten how to make a blog post.  Here are some belated pictures from Christmas.  Grammie and Gramp came down from Vermont, and Santa was very good to Luke.  Took days to open all of the presents!

guess who most of the presents were for!

Luke throws one down on his new hoop

getting the hang of opening presents with Mom

with Grammie and Gramp and the ever present golf ball

Ben & Luke on the green that Ben made (for Luke, of course) that now sits in Ben's office

in the Mickey ball pit tent!  Note the static electricity!

On the beautiful rocking horse that Grandpa made.  You can really giddyup on the hardwood floor!