Thursday, November 11, 2010


So back in September when Luke was naming his friends from school to Aunt Robin and Pseudo Uncle Dana, we started prompting him with the names after the initial two (always "Kaki" and "Big Jack" in one order or the other).  When they got to Ella, he broke into a big smile and said "ELLLLLLLLAAAAAAA!"  So we've teased him about this once or twice but didn't really hear anything more about it until one day Kristina sent out an email to the class parents (K and B are co room representatives!) and got a response from Ella's mom.  Her email had a PS saying "By the way, I just have to let you know, whenever we ask Ella to name her friends from school she always says Luke's name first.  We'll ask her about her day at school and she'll respond with something like 'Fun Luke! Play Luke!'.  I talked to the teacher the other day who told me Ella had been helping feed Luke his lunch and had been chasing him through the tunnel outside!"

Now, we knew he was a womanizer when it comes to little old ladies (LOLs), as they just melt in his lap on a regular basis, but he is apparently the Dogwood Toddler class charmer as well.  The other day Ella was out and so he was "in the tree" (outside on the playground) with Olivia instead.  Apparently, we've got quite the ladies' man.  (Do you think he gets it from his Dad??)

The Hat (and our trip to NC)

What, did you think we were going to reference this blue hat with tassles and not give a picture?  Here are a few from our trip to Sapphire Valley, NC last weekend.  It was a bit chilly (notice the snow in the last photo) but we managed to do some hiking, shoot some hoops, and play mini golf.  Thanks to Grandpa and Cathy for letting us use the time share (and for leaving balloons!).

The BoyCow

For Halloween, Luke was a cowboy, or as he would pronouce it, a boy-cow.  Make that a hatless boycow, as unless the hat in question is blue fleece with tassles and a velcro chin strap, we aren't wearing it.  No sir, no way.  Luke did have fun though, and trick or treated at about 10 different houses.  He even said "trick or treat" at two of them.  Here are some photos.

Who wouldn't give this kid candy?

Still Choppin'

The Braves season ended long ago, but we kept doing the tomahawk chop right through the World Series and to today.  We break it out most frequently when there are sports, any sports, on TV, which does happen occasionally in this house.  Doesn't even matter whether we have our pants on.